Session Times 2024
Group A
Monday 8:15am – 3:45pm
Thursday 8:15am – 3:45pm
Group B
Monday 8:15am – 3:45pm
Tuesday 8:15am – 3:45pm
Group C
Tuesday 8:15am – 3:45pm
Thursday 8:15am – 3:45pm
4 year old preschool program
Green group is our program for 4-5 year old children. The program runs with a rotational model across three days each week, with children attending two set days. There are 26 children in attendance each day and the rotational model ensures they meet all other children in the 4 year old program, creating opportunities for a wide range of social connections. The group is taught by a qualified Early Childhood Teacher and two Co-educators. The teaching team works closely with families to support the learning and development of each child, which is documented in their own learning portfolio. The planned curriculum is always displayed and regular reflections are shared with families.
A range of special experiences are included in the curriculum, including animal encounters, drama workshops, music experiences and sport. These are planned to support learning objectives and children’s interests. We also enjoy close ties with our local community, enjoying visits from the CFA, local dentist or librarian.
Vision screening is offered to families by a local optometrist each year, free of charge. Children also enjoy borrowing from our library each week and participate in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge. “Little frog” is an opportunity for children to take a toy and book home to share with their families, then share their experiences with friends at Kindergarten on return.